
Preaching is a living activity. The delivery of the Word is meant to be deeply informed by the relationship between pastor and people. There can be no substitute for being present in your own assembly when the Word is preached by your own minister. We strongly encourage you to listen regularly and receptively to the Word preached by your own teaching elder.

With that in mind, we offer the following sermons. If you find them helpful we would be more than happy to hear from you and to get to know you.

God has spoken to us by his Son (Hebrews 1:1-4)

Hebrews was written to help us persevere in the face of discouragements, disappointments, and distractions. It does so by calling us to listen to the Son by whom God speaks to us.
1. Think about who the Son is--he is the radiance of God's glory
2. Think about what the Son has done--he created and governs the universe
3. Think about where the Son is--he is seated at God's right hand

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